Conjugación de gild the lily [v.]
-gild the lily
Igild the lily
yougild the lily
hegilds the lily
wegild the lily
yougild the lily
theygild the lily
Igilded the lily
yougilded the lily
hegilded the lily
wegilded the lily
yougilded the lily
theygilded the lily
Iwillgild the lily
youwillgild the lily
hewillgild the lily
wewillgild the lily
youwillgild the lily
theywillgild the lily
Ihavegilded / gildt the lily
youhavegilded / gildt the lily
hehasgilded / gildt the lily
wehavegilded / gildt the lily
youhavegilded / gildt the lily
theyhavegilded / gildt the lily
-gilding the lily
-gilded / gildt the lily
Otras palabras (mismo modelo) :